The following shows the printed materials in the lunchtime session Dialogue on Research Integrity by Ms Zoë Hammatt, a licensed attorney and a professional consultant on research integrity.

This lunchtime session seeks to build upon training RPgs in responsible research conduct through engagement with Ms Zoë Hammatt, who visited HKU enroute to attend the Asian and Pacific Rim Research Integrity (APRI) Network Meeting 2017.  She held an informal session on research integrity that covered topics related to international collaborations and authorship, data management, and innovative ways to promote a culture of research integrity through the institution.  Ms Hammatt also shared with the participating students her views on these different issues.  She kindly agreed to allow us to reproduce her slides below.

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Speaker: Zoë Hammatt, JD, MPhil

Ms. Hammatt, a licensed attorney, provides research integrity consulting and grant writing services for institutions and corporate clients. She previously served as Director of the Division of Education and Integrity at the U.S. Office of Research Integrity, Legal and Regulatory Specialist for an NIH-funded Translational Research Network, and Director of the Research Integrity Program and Research Integrity Officer at the University of Hawaii.  Ms. Hammatt has handled numerous cases of misconduct and questionable research practices and contributed to policy development and teaching in medical ethics and research compliance.  She is a founding member of the Asia Pacific Research Integrity network and has been involved with planning for the World Conference on Research Integrity since 2014.