Case Studies

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Recent decision in Professor Chan Yan Cheong v The Research Grants Council of the University Grants Committee [2020] HKCFI 459 (18 March 2020)

Prof Chan, Chair Professor in the Dept of Electrical Engineering at CityU, made a funding application to RGC in April 2013. He included a Figure with no reference to the original source.  When asked by RGC about the lack of acknowledgement for the Figure, Prof Chan replied it was due to oversight. He apologised and asked for the Figure to be withdrawn. RGC did not allow it.  RGC asked CityU to investigate a possible case of plagiarism.  CityU’s Investigation Panel (endorsed by their VP(R&Tech) found

Deans of seven local medical and healthcare schools issue joint statement to decline research funding from tobacco industry

The deans of seven UGC-funded faculties of medicine, Chinese medicine, health and social sciences, and sister schools in the self-financed sector jointly issued a statement to announce that they will not be accepting funding from or pursuing work for a research foundation and its affiliates funded by Philip Morris International. The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World was newly established by the tobacco manufacturer with a US$1 billion contribution. ... Source:

No tobacco industry funding of education and research activities in Hong Kong tertiary institutions (in relation to Research Integrity)

HUCOM (Heads of Universities Committee) took a decision back in 2002 that tertiary institutions would not accept tobacco industry funding of education and research activities. Staff have been advised accordingly since then. Source: HKU Research Services

Dialogue on Research Integrity by Zoë Hammatt

The following shows the printed materials in the lunchtime session Dialogue on Research Integrity by Ms Zoë Hammatt, a licensed attorney and a professional consultant on research integrity. This lunchtime session seeks to build upon training RPgs in responsible research conduct through engagement with Ms Zoë Hammatt, who visited HKU enroute to attend the Asian and Pacific Rim Research Integrity (APRI) Network Meeting 2017.  She held an informal session on research integrity that covered topics related to international collaborations and authorship, data management, and innovative ways to

Should you accept a funding opportunity limited by conditions imposed by the sponsor?

Professor Peter Miller and others apply the PERIL analysis to determine if a funding opportunity which is accompanied by conditions should be accepted. Case study: PERIL analysis of a funding opportunity limited by conditions imposed by a collaborating organisation A residential rehabilitation charity approaches you to collaborate in an application to fund doctoral research into the long-term effect of its project. The charity reports that it has been involved in research previously and has found it beneficial. The methodology is discussed and agreed. The application

Should you accept research funding from a tobacco company?

Peter Miller and others apply the PERIL analysis proposed by Peter Adams to determine if research funding offered by a tobacco company should be accepted. Case study: Funding opportunity from a tobacco company A university-based School of Medicine distributes an email announcing to all faculty and staff the availability of a new research funding opportunity. The announcement reads: "Please see the link below for an available funding opportunity from the Philip Morris External Research Foundation". The website invited scientists to submit funding proposals to Philip

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The importance of formal procedures to deal with allegations of research misconduct

Professor Richard Epstein (University of Chicago Law School) has written an article in which he emphasises the importance of "established and settled institutional arrangements" (rather than "sloppy and ad hoc procedures") to investigate allegations of research misconduct in each university. Epstein points out that there should be no appearance of bias by the person(s) responsible for the investigation. Referring to his own experience in shaping the procedures at the University of Chicago, he writes that: "in order to avoid any risk of bias, the appointment of the

Useful resource: Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)

CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) is an online research integrity and ethics training resource available to HKU staff and research postgraduate students (RPGs). Six courses are available to HKU staff and RPGs: Responsible Conduct of Research for Clinical Investigators Social and Behavioural Responsible Conduct of Research Course Physical Science/Non-Clinical Responsible Conduct of Research Humanities Responsible Conduct of Research Course Responsible Conduct of Research for Engineers and Architects Responsible Conduct of Research for Research Services Staff Information on how to access CITI as a HKU staff member/RPG

How should researchers procure goods and services?

Prof. Mark Israel (Australasian Human Research Ethics Consultancy Services) has kindly given permission for this hypothetical case study to be reproduced. Simon has been awarded a grant by the UGC. The research will require him to purchase services from interpreters, travel agents, and employ research assistants. He suspects that he might get the best deal from his wife's translation agency, his brother's travel agency, and the daughter of a senior manager at the UGC, who topped the class in the relevant area, is looking for

Should you accept conference honoraria/travel funding from a sponsor?

Professor Peter Miller (School of Psychology, Deakin University) and others argue in an article that researchers should be aware that their objectivity might be compromised if they accept honoraria and travel funds from a sponsor that funds industry-favourable research. Also, they highlight the opportunities to fraternise with industry executives at such conferences. They give the example of the alcohol industry sponsoring academics to attend conferences, at which industry executives have the opportunity to meet researchers. Miller and others argue that, because the alcohol industry funds